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Discover how to declutter your belongings and move with less stress. Start by knowing what matters the most in minimalism, then follow our simple tips on decluttering.

Acknowledge That Our Belongings Have an Emotional Footprint

Our belongings are often more than just objects; they represent different emotions for us. This is one of the reasons why it can be so difficult to declutter. Maybe you like to have two or three extras of everything because it represents safety to you. Or maybe you don't want to keep all the old hand-me-downs your mother gave you, but every time you try to throw them away, you feel guilty.Acknowledging that your belongings are more than just things will assist you in understanding some of the deeper issues as to why you can't let go.

Recognize That More Stuff Equals More Time

Realizing how much time your stuff can take up may help you get rid of some things. Joshua Becker, who runs the website Becoming Minimalist, says to think about the time investment each object requires. If you own something that you don't use often but can't bear to part with, it might be helpful to realize that every item must be dusted, maintained, and eventually moved--all of which takes up valuable time. Once you see how your belongings monopolize your time; saying goodbye will become easier.

Acknowledge That Our Belongings Have an Emotional Footprint

Decide What’s Clutter—and What’s Not

Moving requires you to sort through all of your belongings, and it can be tough to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. Many people turn to Marie Kondo's book, "The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up" for guidance on how to declutter before a move. However, her method - getting rid of everything that doesn't "spark joy" - may not work for everyone. Give away or pitch anything you own but haven't touched in six months, whether it's a practical item like kitchen utensils or technical gadgets. After all, if you need that spare roasting pan somewhere down the line, you can always borrow it from friends or neighbors. Clothes and shoes you don't wear anymore can be donated or sold. You never know when you'll need them in the future, so it's best to keep them around just in case.

Start With The Easy Stuff First

Many people put off decluttering until they are moving because the task can seem so daunting when there is too much stuff. A great tip is to start early and go for the low-hanging fruit first. You could separate old mail or go through a pile of clothes in only two hours, and it’s a fantastic way to get started on clearing out clutter. As you work, make sure you have three piles: keep, toss, and donate—and dispose of or give away your items as soon as possible so that they don't build up again. Having a plan will prevent your house from turning into an insurmountable disaster. make smaller goals for big areas of your home, like the basement or attic, and spread them out over several days. If you stick to this method, you'll be able to get a lot done without feeling overwhelmed—and it won't take years off your life.

Don’t Keep Stuff Out of Guilt or Obligation

Don't feel guilty about getting rid of a gift from a friend that you don't want. Instead, as you find these kinds of items in your decluttering process, write down all the memories and emotions behind the items you were gifted. That way, you’ll feel like you’re able to honor your relationships and express gratitude for your friends’ generosity—without keeping a bunch of stuff around you don’t want.

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