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5 Ways To Handle The Psychological Effects Of Moving

Moving homes can be a stressful, life-changing event, but it doesn't have to be. In fact many people find the process of moving quite positive and even therapeutic. Here are five tips that can help you handle psychological effects of moving better.

A Little Help From My Friends

We've all had to move before and understand how much work it is. And we've all been in a position during a move where we wished we had more help. After all, the saying 'many hands make light work' exists for a reason.
Don't be afraid to ask your friends or family members for assistance next time you're moving houses. You might be surprised at their willingness to help, especially if you offer them lunch and drinks afterwards as thanks.

Be Prepared

The scout's motto of "be prepared" is never more apt than it is on moving day. No matter how much you plan or how early you start packing, there always seems to be something that catches you by surprise. Even if you hire professional movers, give yourself at least two months to prepare so everything goes off without a hitch on the big day.

A Little Help From My Friends

Chuck The Junk

A majority of the anxiety that comes with moving is due to how much junk you're trying to get rid off. Pause for a second and think to yourself: do I really need any of this? Unless your problem is more significant and would result in an appearance on 'Hoarders', then the answer is no.
Be decisive and get rid of anything you don't need. It's hard to let go of your things, but if they're not part of your everyday life anymore, then keeping them is pointless.For example, drag that rusted exercise bike to the curb. I know you had the best intentions back in 2010, but the only thing it is doing now is taking up space.

Celebrate Or Mourn

The place you call home is usually filled with happy memories. It's the place where you have lived, slept, and formed long-lasting relationships. When you move, it feels as if you are changing your life; which in a way, you are. People might move for different reasons - some not so great (i.e., divorce), while others could be amazing opportunities (like a new job).
There are bound to be emotions attached to your decision to move, so it's important to accept that and say goodbye accordingly. You could celebrate with friends by throwing a party or hosting dinner, or mourn over some somber drinks. There is a reason people hold wakes – they're about letting go.

How Moving Affects Your Mental Health?

Moving can be a very stressful time for anyone. There are so many things to think about and plan for that it can be hard to keep track of everything. This stress can lead to anxiety and depression. If you're not careful, it can even lead to physical health problems. The good news is that there are things you can do to ease the stress of moving. By planning ahead and taking care of yourself, you can make the transition as smooth as possible.

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