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5 Steps For Organizing Your Moving Day With Friends

Here are five things that you can do to organize your moving day with friends, including an overview of how we made it happen.

Reach Out Early

The more notice you provide your friends about your move, the better chance you have of assembling a solid group to help - and we all know that more people equals less work for each individual.

Keep, Discard, or Donate

Going through your rooms, one by one, and then deciding what to keep with you, recycle/ donate can be therapeutic but also daunting. If you have friends assisting you in this process - awesome! Not only will it make the task go quicker, but it's a great way to bond and reminisce as you Look through things together. Allow volunteers to help you, select a date (or two), and be prepared to methodically work on the project. It's helpful if there is space in one room with signs that read "Keep", "Discard", and "Donate". This will ensure people know where things go and keep the momentum going.

Reach Out Early

List Needed Tasks, Potluck Style

If you need help from others, be explicit about what tasks require assistance. Ask your most organized friends to lend a hand before the packing process begins. Would it make more sense to form "teams" of helpers ( couples, etc) that could take on one room at a time? This way everyone knows exactly what's required of them and can plan their schedule and approach accordingly. Think of it like potluck dinner - each person signs up to bring specific dish. If people know in advance what they're getting into ,they'e more likely than not to be optimistic about the undertaking .

Have Supplies Ready

Being prepared is key on the big day. Make a list of supplies you'll need for moving (blankets, packing tape, boxes) and have them ready to go beforehand. That way, you can focus on packing up whatever items you haven't donated or discarded and making sure your volunteers are comfortable too.

What Is The Most Organized Way To Move?

There is no one definitive answer to this question. Depending on your particular circumstances, you may find that one method is more efficient or effective than another. The most important thing is to take the time to plan ahead and map out a strategy that will work best for you.

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